
Ling Xue heart thumped with one heart, this time is really hard!

The third prince was demoted!
"What?" Someone is more excited than Ling Xue. He rushed out and grabbed Lin Yu’s sleeve. His eyes became Kurenai Otoya and he became choked. "What did you say, my Lord? Three report he … "
"How did Qiu Ran get out when you were so badly injured?" Lin Yu frowned and looked at her eyes and looked like a woman.
"Is it because of me that the third report will be knighted?" Autumn dyed shoulders rustling trembling like a wrecks.
"…" You think too much!
Lin Yu asked Ling Xue to bring two maids sent by Chunyu Tianyou, and asked them to hold Qiuran and bring her back to the room before explaining to her that this matter had nothing to do with her.
It was Mu Junze who was designed …
Although it started with her!
"Is the third prince all right?" Autumn dyed a pair of eyes full of anxious mood and extremely urgent.
Lin Yu sighed. "It’s natural for him to have nothing to do in his palace. Autumn Dyeing Officer wants to advise you that you are in no better situation than him now. You must first take care of yourself."
This sentence seems to have poked Qiuran, and her seemingly strong heart was scratched again.
But what can we do about it?
Lin Yu knows that the longer the relationship is involved, the more hope there is, and the more hope there is. In the end, the truth hurts more.
Mu Junze was just depressed for a while and needed her to solve it, but Qiu Dye regarded Mu Junze as the most important person in his life.
This weight does not wait until the last thing is revealed. Someone must be hurting!
As the saying goes, early death, early birth, early injury and early recovery.
Suo Lin Yu is so simple and rude that Qiu Ran faces the pain directly, which can at least make her recover quickly, right?
Settled down, Qiu Ran Lin Yu still has a lot of things to do.
But when she really wants to get ready, she feels a little at a loss and doesn’t know where to start!
The source of this case is Zhou Aotian, but now she can’t try it, and she is faced with Mu Ninglang’s trial of Qiu Ran and Chun Ying at any time, and she has evidence in her hand.
"Tianxianglou!" Lin Yu suddenly remembered that the key clue was Tianxianglou!
It is also the key to this case!
She must go to Tianxiang Building at once!
Although Qianmu Junze sent someone to guard Tianxiang Building, it was not an accident for him. Someone wanted to take advantage of it. She asked Ling Xue to order Shuntianfu to catch and take Sun Dasun and set off for Tianxiang Building.
The team at the back was handed over to Ling Xue to make an inventory. Ling Xue saw Sun Da with people but didn’t see Sun Er, so he asked, "Why don’t you see Sun Yixi?"
Sun Da is a simple and honest man. He quickly said to Ling Xue, "Ling touts his second brother fell ill yesterday somehow, and I was just about to ask for leave on his behalf. This adult just made me come out and didn’t say anything."
"Sick? Can I ask the doctor to look at it? " Lingxue is white when he frowns, unlike ordinary people, and his skin is more delicate and smooth, especially because he is now thinking about Sun Er.
Sun Da is a little embarrassed to scratch his head. "We are all rough people. We can’t compare with the second brother of Jingui’s family. It is good to say that he is cold and raised. There is no …"
"It’s just that if you look back, please have a look again." Ling Xue casually said that and left.
Sun Da looked at Ling touts. This immortal posture is always not a taste, but I feel …
His second brother is so melodramatic recently!
Always ask for leave and let him be a brother to cover for you!
How unkind!
Lin Yu had a premonition that something was wrong. She had already sped up to Tianxianglou, but Tianxianglou was located in a busy street. It was a long way from Lin Yushun’s Tianfu. Even if she was faster, she couldn’t control it. A Cheng Yaojin came halfway.
"Cold guard?" Lin Yu was surprised to see the horse riding in front of people.
She knows this man too well!
Not Qin Muyu side bodyguards … Bah! A bodyguard?
Why did he show up here?
"Met Lin’s adult" Qin Muyu is exactly the same temperament, and she is also warm and moist. Chapter 356 Hold her son firmly.