
Soon can’t see the two people moved to see the two figures in the yellow sand. They are all entangled in silver armor, and they can’t tell who is who.

Blast saw the opportunity and sold it to Ye Bolong. Ye Bolong’s broadsword was severely chopped from Blast’s shoulder.
If you chop away the high wind, you will lose a right arm.
However, the flurry of feet suddenly jumped up and stabbed Ye Bolong in the shoulder with a sword. Suddenly, blood flowed.
Ye Bolong didn’t even hum. He took back his broadsword and continued to fight in high winds.
The martial arts of the two men are actually equal, but the broadsword is heavier than the sword for a long time, which will naturally make him tired and his right shoulder will be stabbed.
Although the injury is not serious, he has been bleeding for a long time, and he is gradually overwhelmed.
The high wind seized the opportunity and shouted, "If you want your arm, I want you!"
Raise your sword from Ye Bolong’s armpit.
Heard a scream "ah …"
In the yellow sand, an arm was thrown far away.
The high wind stopped the sword. "You have a right-handed knife. Now the general doesn’t have to hurt your life by chopping your right hand."
Ye Bolong’s broadsword fell off at the moment when his hand was cut off. It is true that his left hand can’t knife.
The left hand tightly clutched the place where the right arm was missing and endured the severe pain. "The little general has extraordinary martial arts. Yemou lost his heart today!"
High wind arch hand said nothing, still rode back to their side.
The soldiers here have already cheered "General Blast is a brave enemy!"
Ye Bolong was helped back and fainted. Yuan Liang sighed. Ye Bolong was really a valiant soldier, so he was ruined!
He raised his pike and said, "Ring for retreat!"
He can’t fight today. He’s not afraid of losing. He’s afraid of losing morale, but if he loses morale, he can’t lose the morale of the army when the Regent Da Yin comes, can he? That’s not worth the candle.
In the face of big three-dimensional men cheering south three-dimensional side is the dark clouds all over the sky.
This is the first time since the attack on Quanzhou, so timid for the first time, but they are also exhausted, but the Regent obviously made all his efforts to bring military forces.
Yan Gui also accepted the soldiers and returned to Quanzhou City.
Most of the people have fled to Puyang Guangyuan City and other places, but many people have not left. I heard that the Regent has come with a large army, and all of them have killed their only chickens and ducks to reward the three armed forces.
Sun Ling has officially put the body of Song Zhijie in a mourning hall.
Many people have changed into white clothes to worship, and it would have been gone if General Song had not stuck to Quanzhou.
There has been no such war in Dayin for hundreds of years, and the people are shocked to defend their homeland, even if they fight, they will not accept it.
They have orthodoxy in their hearts, that is, the ancestors of Yan family came from generation to generation instead of the prince.
No matter how severe the prince is, more than half of the people still deny it.
Yan Gui successfully took over the military forces.
After taking over, the first order was that all the wounded went to Funan County to cultivate themselves.
This greatly reduced the burden on Quanzhou.
Tens of thousands of wounded soldiers have died this year, and many more have died. Many people are still fighting with minor injuries.
Yan Gui also brought some people this time, that is, a group of voluntary logistics soldiers in the northwest originally asked them to escort the wounded soldiers to Fu Nanxian.
If someone is seriously injured, he will be disarmed and returned to the field, but the court will also give silver a place to go, and he will also arrange a place to go.
If the injury is not serious, you don’t want to leave the army and register. Just come back after the injury is healed.
This greatly encouraged the morale of the army. They all died in battle, so they won’t die. When the army wins, it’s just rare that they can turn from a small soldier to a general.
Now their pay is high and they are injured, but they can’t fight if they leave the army to cultivate themselves. What a good thing it is to pay back the money without fighting!
Can the Regent say that people are not in the high army before he looks for appeal?
The sword cut Ye Bolong’s arm and the high wind was sealed by the soldiers!