
"Don’t be suspicious, Mianmian." He played her cheek gently.

"Where do we live?" Sue cotton laughed
The "Hall of Harmony" was built by a big Yin emperor for his wife. Later, after her accession to the throne, she kept saying that no one else would come in and live there. It is very good to repair the palace every year. The harem is not far from the Golden Phase Hall.
"Good" Sue cotton shook his hand and laughed.
Ming’ an in the Hall of Harmony is looking at Ming-shou stupidly. Who is this?
Ming Shou also watched Ming An stop crying.
The two children really don’t look alike at all. How can they?
However, Ming Shou is also very beautiful, which is more handsome than Ming Anna’s inheritance from his father. In the future, it must be a modest gentleman in white.
Su Mian and Yan Gui came in and saw two children staring at each other.
Su Mian laughed. "Is this Mingshou? It looks really good. "
Yan Gui is noncommittal. Where is it as good-looking as his son?
"Mingshou come here," Su Mian said, and picked Mingshou up.
Mingshou was at a loss but didn’t dare to move. He was used to being hugged by the destitution. Mu Wanting didn’t hug him. It would be very formal to be hugged by a completely different person from the destitution.
"Will call niang? Call a "Su Mian thought about this child early in the morning. Just think of him as his own child. It’s quite good not to be born by himself.
Shouan’s mouth is flat and she will cry when she sees it.
Su Mian is busy coaxing "Don’t cry and you will get used to it."
"Mom!" Ming’ an quit. Who is this little guy? Grab his mother as soon as he comes out!
"Looking for your dad, don’t you just like your dad? Stepmother also likes Mingshou "Sue cotton gas him.
"Niang! Mother! Niang! " Ming’ an doesn’t like to cry. This may be because Su Mian is scampering around with her short legs.
Yan Gui quickly hugged, "That’s my brother." He didn’t want to accept this child, but Mianmian liked it. Forget it.
"Niang! Niang! " Ming’ an doesn’t care what brother stole the mother fairy!
Su Mian laughed. "I thought you liked your dad."
This is the only way to let Ming Shou live.
Mingshou has stopped crying, but he is watching Mingan and doesn’t know what he is angry about.
"The second princess’s nurse is here," said Fang Mammy.
"It’s no wonder that all his predecessors can’t bring him from the northwest from today. How old he is, he has been nursing." Su Mian was so angry that Mu Wanting wouldn’t take the children and dared to put her in a good place. The wet nurse has changed.
This is her misunderstanding. It’s Yanning, but what? She forget Mu Wanting.
"Well, don’t be angry. Take good care of the child when he comes back." Yan Gui patted her hand and said
"Hum!" Sue cotton stared his one eye ao jiao way
"Ann son your mother angry to coax" yan to way.
Ming’ an has long wanted to call her mother for a hug, okay? Rushed to run past "niang! Hug! "
Su Mian picked him up and kissed him greatly, which made him happy.
Ming Shou looked at all this and felt very novel, but he was less than two years old, but he didn’t know what was new. Chapter 41 Pei Empress Dowager’s mind.
After returning to the palace, Empress Pei called Peiyudu into the Fengzao Palace.
She hasn’t moved out since the death of the late emperor, and it’s not too late to move out when he marries the queen.
"seen the queen mother empress" peiyudu way
"Second brother, you also poke my heart?" The last thing Empress Pei wants to hear is that the word Empress Dowager hasn’t arrived to save the passengers in ten years. How ironic it is!
Peiyudu busy way "I dare not"
"Well, you’re a fierce king now. What do you think we should do?" Pei queen mother waved and said
Pei Yudu was silent for a long time before he said, "I’m afraid we can also save the day." The mercy will definitely be lost.
"Not necessarily?" Empress Pei sneered, "Don’t forget that Mu Jia and Wan Jia each have a fierce princess." A positive princess and a side princess can they let go of this wealth at this time?
"Don’t they want the fierce king to succeed to the throne more?" Pei Yudu doesn’t understand.
"Ha ha second brother don’t know fierce Wang Diansu princess feelings? The fierce Wang Shu princess Shi concubine back to Beijing didn’t come back "pei queen mother laughed.
"What does this … say?" Pei Yudu is a talented person, but he doesn’t understand these things.
"To say that the fierce king likes a Su family may not be willing to take Mu and Wan back, so … why do Mu and Wan support him?" Pei queen mother said
Pei Yudu suddenly realized, "What do you want from that sister?"
"Now the fierce king is guarding the capital and telling him to go. That’s impossible. Since he doesn’t want to call him to the throne, then … the Regent will give it to him." It’s just a title.