
"He said,’ If I had liked it, maybe it wouldn’t be like this today’. Well, that’s what he said."

"What do you mean?" The ice suddenly became serious.
"I don’t know if he won’t tell me." Snow remembered the scene just now and turned red with anger. She kept pouring water to put out her anger. She didn’t notice that the ice frown had already been locked up …
"By the way, where is Binglin?"
"What did Jay say?"
"He told us not to worry. If there is an accident, Lin will be fine."
"That will do."
"No matter Lin?"
"Since he said so, there is no problem."
"Is he really reliable?"
"Well, don’t worry, Lin. If there’s anything, I’m sure he’ll let us know when he meets." Yes, he will, and Bing has always believed it
the other side
"Bingxuan, you’re back."
"Well, I’m back, Brother Night" gave Lan Chengye a warm hug before leaving.
Lan Chengye gently rubbed her head. "Where have you been just now?"
"Nothing. I just went to see the jewelry and wanted to see what to wear for the engagement party."
"That Bing Xuan …" Looking at Mu Bing Xuan’s happy smile, Lan Chengye is a bit unbearable.
"What’s the matter? Night brother "MuBingXuan clearly saw the difficulty of LanCheng night heart suddenly nervous.
"You know Lin, she suddenly disappeared and still can’t find her so far. Everyone is worried, so I want to postpone the engagement date."
Mubingxuan froze with laughter.
"Ice Xuan" LanCheng night worried about looking at her.
Mu Bingxuan quickly reacted and said to Lan Chengye with a strong smile, "This is for Lin. She is my good friend after all, and now she has an accident. Without her, even if the engagement party is held, everyone will not have a good time. Well, Brother Ye will do it according to your meaning."
Lan Chengye also smiled, "I knew Bingxuan was a reasonable person." She rubbed her head and didn’t feel depressed about postponing the engagement, but she was a little happy.
On the surface, MuBingXuan looks at a pair of innocent smiling faces, but in his heart, he has long harbored hatred.
Come to another villa
"I’m so angry." Mu Bingxuan stormed into the villa all the way. All the workers were afraid that saying the wrong thing would lead to fatal disaster when they saw her. They could watch Mu Bingxuan pass by angrily and no one dared to provoke her.
As soon as Mu Bingxuan returned to the villa, he walked in the direction of the wine cabinet and poured a large glass of red wine.
"It’s not good for your health to drink like this again," Jay said anxiously.
"It’s none of your business," but Mu Bingxuan ruthlessly refused.
Jay feels a stabbing pain in his heart. No matter what you do, won’t there be a place for me in your heart? Jay asked secretly in his heart, and his eyes dimmed.
Suddenly Jay’s cell phone rang. "Hello … OK, I got it." I hung up for a while.
Jay hesitated for a moment.
"Jie" MuBingXuan heavily shout.
"Ouyang Lin escaped, but you can rest assured that she has been caught back." Jay seems to realize something and hurriedly added.
"That girl …" MuBingXuan bad to ruthlessly say "go to the chamber of secrets" and set off.
Jay looked at her behind her, as he expected, and now he feels that she is so strange to herself. Is everything she did really wrong? Jay asked himself.
Reached into the bag and got through the ice (it was for someone to investigate and come back) and soon hung up …
"Huh?" Ice felt the phone vibrate in his pocket and took it out in disbelief.