
But when I think about it, I think Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan are better to go to the East China Sea.

MuQian looked Sue wan said; "Then do you want to talk to the Queen Mother?"
Su Wan smiled slyly at this topic and said slowly, "That’s why I called you and Ye Tinglai."
As soon as she finished speaking, there were footsteps outside the door, and Ziyu came in first to report that "the Lord Anping Hou Fu Xiao Hou Ye has entered the palace."
"Let him in."
Ye ting came in from the outside of the temple and saw that there were two people in the bedroom, Feng Linglong and Mu Qianqian, who didn’t look very good.
Ye Ting asked in surprise, "What happened?"
Mu Qianqian told Ye Ting what Su Wan had said earlier. Ye Ting knew that Su Wan and Xiao Huang had telepathy. Su Wan said that Xiao Huang had an accident, so he must have had an accident.
Ye ting face was dim and worried at the same time.
However, I am still worried about Su Wan. "Is the Empress really going to Yuyao?"
Su Wan nodded. "I asked you and Sandy to come here so that Sandy could pretend to be me in the Imperial Palace and take care of Sandy. If anyone dares to do anything to me secretly, you will be responsible for arresting people, no matter who that person is."
"Do you hear that? This is a palace order."
Su Wan said that Luoyeting and Mu Qianqian understood that Su Wan was going to arrest the Queen Mother.
"If she doesn’t start work, let it be. If she starts work again, don’t be polite to me. Just arrest people directly."
Ye Tingzhou leaned over the cold cream and nodded "OK" steadily.
"Then I’ll immediately arrange for someone to go to Yuyao. When my girl left the palace early in the morning, she said that the East China Sea had something to do to go back to the East China Sea."
Su wan said that everyone in the bedroom ordered a head.
Su Wan immediately announced that Yu Ge and others came over and told Yu Ge about going to Yuyao.
Yu Ge hurried to arrange manpower.
Before dawn, Su Wan quietly left the palace with a group of people for Yuyao.
At dawn, Feng Linglong took her two babies and the people in the East China Sea all the way away, and did not even go to Yangde Palace when she left.
This matter was reported to the queen mother, who was so angry that she was blue in the face and relieved at the same time.
Previously, she was beaten by Feng Linglong.
I have a few breaths and I am afraid that she will stay in peace for a while, first because of the emperor, and second because of the phoenix and exquisiteness.
Eye phoenix and exquisite left the queen mother with a sigh of relief.
At the same time, she thought of the son in the cell. Is she really going to watch him die?
Calculate that when the emperor leaves Beijing, maybe an emperor will return to Beijing.
Will Wen Er still be alive when Xiao Huang returns to Beijing? The queen mother clenched her fingers and held them tightly.
Su Wan led the people to Yuyao overnight, and she didn’t stop all the way because she was worried about Xiao Huang.
Come and raise a better face, a little face is getting smaller and smaller, and a tender face has no meat at all.
Purple jade topaz Nie Li and others followed her and couldn’t say how distressed she was.
Finally, I couldn’t even watch Yu Ge, forcing people to stay in a small town for one night before leaving the next day.
They finally arrived at Yuyao when they were on the road for half a month.
Yuyao city gate is closed, Yu Ge and others ride wildly, and Yu Ge raises his hand and raises the waist tag of the big bodyguard.
The gatekeeper of the city immediately went to leave, and soon the city gate led and hit the city gate to welcome Su Wan and others in.
Yuyao was as silent as a human being walking through the street, and everyone looked sad, as if something important had happened.
Responsible for guarding the city gate, the city gate took it away, saluted Yu Ge respectfully, and then glanced at the carriage by the way.
"I don’t know who is the pavilion?"
Yu Ge looked at someone in the carriage behind him and gently lifted the curtain to reveal a handsome young man. The face was handsome and abnormal, and wait for a while, the leader of the city gate, could see it.
They really have never seen such a handsome boy in this place.
However, Yu Geyin rang at the right time. "This is the Empress."
"Empress?" The gate took a long time to react, and people who had reacted had already knelt down.
"I have seen the empress."
Su Wan waved his hand to signal the gate to be taken up, and then sank his mouth and asked, "Where are General Zhou and General Lei?"
When the gate leader heard the Empress’s words, his face froze and he dared not look down at the Empress and said, "General Zhou and General Lei and others are outside the city’s main tent camp."
Now everyone is thinking about saving lives. The emperor is missing. The people from the Northern Jin State were previously beaten back and now they are forced to come.
Will come around the nest soon.