
Qiu Wan Moon and a blue-shirted man teamed up to deal with the obsession, and the second one barely tied.

This blue shirt is the blue river of Wu Tingguang, one of the top ten tutors of Cangyu College.
His mentor sent by Cangyu College also helped kill the enemy on the battlefield, but there was one person watching from behind alone.
That guy is Cang Lingying.
The original Cang Yi doesn’t intend to send this guy here, but he himself wants to contribute to the extermination plan.
Cang Yi can’t get him to come over.
In Cang Yi’s calculation, I want this guy not to provoke Lin Yu. He can do whatever he likes.
After Cang Yu College, I have to give my surname Cang Xuanfeng that personality. He really doesn’t like to place his hopes on this small one.
Cang Lingying looked at the people who were killed in full swing ahead. His face was full of irony. "A group of stupid people, what do you spell here?" When Yuan Huang gets out of the parallel, you will all become slaves of Yuan Huang! "
It turns out that Cang Lingying’s role turned out to be a Yuan spy!
When he ran away from home, he came to Chaos City and met Yuan Wei.
In order to gain strength, he became Yuan Wei’s lackey.
Otherwise, even if Cang Lingying is talented, it is impossible to rush to the reincarnation in just over ten years.
If you don’t fix it now, it’s already triple the realm of Yuan Shen.
This time, he wanted to come or not, but Yuan Wei gave him a chance to act as a savior at all times so that he could get some money in the inferno battle.
In the next battle, Yuan Wei will continue to train Cang Lingying to become an anti-magic hero comparable to Lin Yu.
With more capital, he will inherit Cangyu College earlier.
Cang Lingying as the dean of Cang Yu College will be of great help to Yuan Wei’s plan.
Look at the two sides do almost pale LingYing face extremely satisfiedly smile "it’s time for the mentor to the 343rd chapter of the earth!
Cang Lingying took out a jade and poured spirit into it. Soon the jade presented a line of fine print "You can come over"
The fine print flashed for less than a second and was handed out through jade.
However, Cang Lingying waited for a long time and still didn’t find his troops coming. He couldn’t help wondering, "What the hell are these guys doing?"
While Cang Lingying was waiting anxiously, his jade finally lit up.
"Boss, I’m sorry we were pinned down by another inferno army. We’ll come and help when we destroy that inferno army."
The information presented by jade makes Cang Lingying want to hit people. These loose mercenaries are willing to reply to his information, which is very organized and disciplined.
Cang Lingying asked them to come here to help, and everyone paid them an extra 10 thousand spar
Of course, these spar are paid by Yuan Wei, the boss behind him.
Yuan Wei is also willing to give up in order to create a glorious image for Cang Lingying.
However, Yuan Wei herself didn’t expect that those mercenaries who were greedy would pick up their work halfway and didn’t have time to support Cang Lingying.
"Well, since those bastards didn’t come, I can do it!" Cang Lingying’s eyes flashed with cold light and rushed to the inferno army with a long-handled knife.
Magic two little team number occupies an absolute advantage, if it weren’t for cangyu college this time to several mentor city would have been untenable.
But even so, these instructors also contain a large number of inferno fighters who want to repel them or completely destroy them unless all instructors can work together.
However, the magic two alone has pinned down the autumn moon and the blue river, and there are two or six order monsters that have pinned down Yang Zhen’s other mentor, Cang Lingying.
See Cang Ling Ying as fierce as a tiger into the flock, waving a long-handled broadsword, waving a series of vitality knives, and all the magic people around him who are 100 meters away are made a clean break by him.
Poof, poof, poof …
The magic man’s body fell to the ground like a slaughterhouse animal.
See pale LingYing killed very happy nearby inferno soldiers looked at all angrily toward pale LingYing blunt past.
"Looking for death?" Cang Lingying’s tongue shows cruel and bloodthirsty light in ian’s eyes.
He took a long-handled broadsword and was preparing to chop it off towards those inferno fighters. Suddenly, these guys read strange spells at the same time, and their brains ached.
"Damn inferno, what strange skill is this?" Cang Lingying felt that her pain quickly went from her head to her limbs, and the pain became extremely severe.
Nearly a thousand inferno soldiers at the same time toward the pale LingYing read a spell a red light will pale LingYing shrouded.
One by one, like a strange mantra in essence, intruded into Cang Lingying’s body through this red mask, and Cang Lingying’s body was red and shiny, and her meridians and bones were all presented.
"Damn it!" Cang Lingying is running with all her strength to drive out these mantras, but these mantras can’t be driven away like maggots attached to bones, and they will also suppress the momentum of Cang Lingying’s physical strength.
If I go to Cang Lingying like this again, I guess I won’t last ten minutes.
A Yuan Shen Jing triple Cang Yu College’s top ten tutors were "cursed to death" by more than 1,000 Yuan Ling Jing inferno fighters. If you go out to Cang Lingying, I’m afraid you have to cover your face even if you die.
"No matter what, it’s time to move the Yuan clan!" Cang Ling Ying buried a mark of Yuan Wei’s leaving Yuan Soul, and this golden mark of Yuan Soul will automatically protect Cang Ling Ying if he touches his life.
Of course, Cang Lingying can also take the initiative to trigger this yuan soul imprint power.