
Tang Jun changed his face, his eyebrows locked and he almost fell down. Suddenly, the "humanoid then" in his abdomen also had a trace of the same breath and poured it into his hand. Xiao Jin Jian suddenly released a mighty terrorist airflow on the small golden sword face. Although the other "rotating ball" still impacted, the twisted gas force caused great coercion to disappear in an instant.

Tang Jun finally breathed a sigh of relief and immediately raised his little Jin Jian to touch the crazy "spinning ball"
"Go to hell"
Elder Zhao huffed, his face floated with a sly smile, and his strength was poured into a pair of meat palms. There were more than 5,000 kilograms of strength to press Tang Jun’s belly. This time, even if the teenager could survive, his belly was fatally hit by himself. A broken abdomen is equal to a basket case.
A loud noise resounded through the sky!
The collision of spiritual force and spiritual force is absolutely terrible for the king of Wu. It is a nightmare. Two powerful forces collided together to release the power. Several large stones fell off the stone wall next to the energy. The ground "clicked" and did not break into cracks, just like "big twists" spreading around. Two figures were thrown out like two fallen leaves by a huge wave.
Two screams rang at the same time!
Elder Zhao was thrown back by a huge force and screamed repeatedly! He was pale and frightened, and got up, shivering, staring, and falling off huge stones. He could hardly believe what he saw.
Oh, my God. What’s going on? How could this happen? This kind of horror scene can only appear when there is a crazy struggle between the strong and the strong. Is it so strange to appear in front of him?
Elder Zhao’s mind hasn’t turned around yet. Suddenly, a pain came from his hands. Elder Zhao was a little unbelievable. Looking at his hands, he saw a pair of bloody and horrible broken hands. Just now, when he pressed his hands on the teenager’s belly, a little bad feeling made him creepy! However, the big explosion that followed completely stunned his brain, causing him to forget the pain in his hand.
Now I see that there is hardly a piece of good meat in my hands and ten fingers, which almost ruined the anger of Elder Zhao and screamed hysterically. "Tang Jun, we, the Zhao family, will take your life no matter you flee to the ends of the earth."
Elder Zhao’s anger resounded through the sky, but one person around him, Tang Jun, disappeared.
Elder Zhao trudged to the edge of the cliff and looked at the unfathomable cliff bottom. He knew that Tang Jun must have been thrown to the cliff by the spiritual explosion just now. Even if a normal person falls off such a high cliff, he can’t survive. Is it a seriously injured teenager? It’s a pity that Tang Jun’s hand was also taken by him, but at this time, Elder Zhao was seriously injured, and his hands were broken, so he could go to face those horrible snakes and demons, and he didn’t want to live and think twice. Elder Zhao bitterly left for Zhao to move reinforcements.
Where’s Tang Jun?
As Elder Zhao expected, he was thrown off the cliff by a powerful force.
Just now, the spiritual explosion caused a huge shock wave, that is, it reached the level of a senior martial artist. Elder Zhao was seriously injured. Is it a samurai teenager? Immediately after Tang Jun was thrown away, a blood mist gushed out from his mouth, and his body was cut into scars by sharp spiritual filaments. He almost became a bloody person. His injuries were more serious than those of Elder Zhao, and he did not have a good piece of meat. If it was not for the body, the idea of "humanoid then" kept pounding his brain, I am afraid he would have fainted.
When I heard the wind blowing in my ears, Tang Jun realized that he was falling like crazy.
Not good! If he falls off a cliff like this, he will draw a rest all his life!
Suddenly, Tang Jun sensed two familiar terrorist energies from shaking hands with the little golden sword. It seems that just now, two terrorist forces collided, and Jin Jian was inexplicably hidden. How did this happen? Tang Jun wants to break his head and think white.
But now there is no time for him to think about it. Tang Jun turned his head and looked at the ropes hanging on the cliff face. The rope body naturally twisted and the middle finger waved Xiaojin Kendo to shoot at those ropes.
An incredible scene happened. Tang Jun was at least five or six meters away from the stone wall, but he was close to the stone wall with a slight twist.
Tang Jun was overjoyed and immediately reached out and grabbed a rope. But at this time, he was deeply injured and weak. He barely grabbed the rope and slipped to the cliff. However, it was terrible to go to the "snake demon world". But at this time, Tang Jun had no choice. He slipped quickly.
I don’t know how long it took Tang Junke to slip, but he clearly felt a little bit of terror, and he was surprised and painful. He finally couldn’t hold on and fainted.
(I didn’t get any recommendation because I just signed the contract, but my grades were very poor, but I was greatly supported by readers. Although my grades were poor and I didn’t have motivation, I will try my best.
People writing this fantasy novel will "fight" the main "martial arts" and auxiliary "door" line, once it reaches its climax, it will always explode, which will make readers greatly happy! I hope I can get a lot of collections and recommendations. Chapter 32 Breaking into the underworld
"Plop" sounded a crisp, biting cold, immersed in the depths of the skin, and Tang Jun was in a coma. He woke up immediately with a shudder. Before he opened his mouth, the cold river flooded his figure.
Tang Jun woke up and immediately exclaimed in his heart. A powerful suction was dragging him hard to the bottom.