

Se is stronger at night
Rogge’s family is not in the city. Although there is a small shop in Rogge’s parents’ city, selling toys has not brought them extra wealth. Just maintain Rogge. After all, Fengling Call College is not low.
Back in the village, Rogge didn’t knock on the door. When Rogge pushed the wooden door gently, he creaked. Because Rogge came back late, his parents would leave the door waiting for Rogge to come home.
Rogge went into the house, then gently locked the door and bolted it.
"Rogge is back. Why did you come back so late today?" Speaking is Rogge’s mother.
"Yes, today is really too late? Have fun playing with your classmates today! Come and sit down and tell us something. "This is Rogge’s father.
Rogge bolted the latch. When he turned around, he heard his parents speak softly.
There is a small table in the room with a dim oil lamp. Both father and mother are sitting on low stools. Mother is holding a pair of splendid needles in her hand. Father looks at an ancient book with a kind chair. Mother’s head is tied with a pearl hairpin. It is not very valuable. Mother’s head is faintly white.
I don’t know how Rogge felt a warm feeling when he entered the door. This belongs to the warmth of home. Even if life is dull, even if he is not rich, where can he find such warmth?
Suddenly remembering the moment of life and death in the Lins’ hall a few hours ago, Rogge felt that it was shameful that some people should not lose their lives by themselves.
"What’s the matter? There seems to be something wrong today. Is it that you can’t get along with your classmates? You are annoyed and don’t trust to be happy when you are happy. What you should do when you are happy is not always too dependent on other people’s opinions." Mother knew that he had something on her mind when she saw Rogge’s face. She should take the lead in comforting the child.
"It’s easy to get thirsty to sit and drink a cup of tea at this time." Father picked up a pot of tea and poured a bowl for Rogge.
"Nothing is fine with me," said Rogge, sitting at the table and forcing a smile.
For his parents, he doesn’t want to tell them something about himself. First, he can’t let them worry about themselves. Second, even if he talks to his parents again, there are some estrangements and some worries that he can’t tell.
"It’s good to have a cup of tea. I’m a little sleepy. I’ll go to bed first." My kind father took off his nose glasses and stretched himself, then went into the room to rest.
Rogge and his mother were left in the hut.
Mother’s documentary is not big, and she is only 37 years old this year. From the outline of her mother, there is still a hint that when she was young, she was born early because she got up early and was greedy.
Mother’s gentle hand is skillfully threading the needle, and from time to time she looks up and smiles at Rogge, and then she continues to bury herself in embroidery.
"Tell me about it. It must be interesting to talk about things in the college." My mother often likes to pull Rogge and ask some anecdotes in Fengling College. It can be seen that my mother never called the college when she was young, but she has always been interested in these things
"Then I’ll tell you the truth. There are thousands of college students in Fengling College. As soon as the holidays are over, the college will organize various activities. Of course, all kinds of activities are very interesting. For example, the dragon boat race is held in the river. For example, the riding competition in the sky is to prepare birds by riding the college and then hand in hand to carve bows and arrows. One of them will add very hey hey! Another time, there was a funny classmate in class who knocked over a whole bottle of acid dissolving agent. Guess what happened, and fifty deans came into being. As you know, our deans are just an old man, and we can take it out on him and do whatever he wants … "
"That sounds interesting. Tell me more about it. I still want to hear it …"
Today, my mother also begged Rogge to tell her something interesting. Rogge took a sip of water and readily agreed, "Well, I’ll tell you where to start. You should remind me. I can’t remember it at the moment."
"Let’s start with the haunted incident in your college. I think it’s very interesting."
"Ah, you have to listen to that. That’s terrible. I’m afraid I’ll scare you this big night."
"That’s what I like to hear. Tell it quickly."
"The original mother is fond of horror stories. Well, I will scare you …"
Rogge’s mother told a strange story about campus ghosts in this warm hut, but Rogge’s ability to make up stories was still not strong. Later, it was you who laughed at each other. A vivid and strange story was told into a very funny story.
"What do you want to hear after this story is finished?"
Rogge’s mother came in and said, "By the way, what’s the name of that female classmate of yours again?"
"You forgot you again. Her name is Shi Han Lin Shihan …"