
Xingyuan stone tablet seems to feel the chill of leaves and the magic gas approaching, so it will take the initiative to lead the magic gas to the past, and then it will be integrated into the stone tablet to suppress the magic gas, and then it will send out a strong star energy and force it together, so that it will slowly merge and eventually be dusty in the stone tablet again.

The original Ye Han magic gas has been absorbed. With the help of the power of the Xingyuan stone tablet, it will imprison the stone tablet. Now, although this demon magic gas is added, it does not affect the exertion of the stone tablet power. It is suspected that the two will be sealed together in the stone tablet and cannot be leaked.
Watching the demons being swallowed up by themselves, Ye Han couldn’t be careless, but after all, he couldn’t help but feel secretly pleased and swallowed up the demons. Then he can be promoted to Yuan soul realm by self-cultivation.
Although the 10,000-yuan meeting has no great significance to himself, it is his goal after all. Besides, he can have stronger strength and be more capable of protecting his woman. How can he not be happy?
"Hanshan, you’re waiting for the second time, and you’re hurting me. I won’t let you have this lucky chance. I will destroy all your ice cities and vent my hatred."
Unconsciously Ye Han there was such an idea in my heart.
The idea appeared Ye Han naturally unaware of it, but in the jade flute, Xingyu and Yukine couldn’t help glancing at each other and seemed to see the meaning in each other’s eyes
"It seems that desire will eventually become a major obstacle in his life!"
Glances after Yukine naturally didn’t say anything, but one side Chineydy couldn’t help but burst into emotion. At that time, it seemed that he also remembered something unforgettable and lost in thought.
But there seems to be such a sound in his mind, "I hope he doesn’t follow in my footsteps!"
Ye Han ignored the words and deeds of the two people in Yuxiao. He is remembering the fighting situation in Hanshan at the moment. It seems that there is a strong hatred in his heart, but he wants to regard the whole ice city as his revenge goal.
Perhaps this is also his ambition. He wants to accept the ice city not only to avenge being seriously injured by Hanshan, but also to satisfy his possessiveness …
He doesn’t know that he has been influenced by the energy of desire and demons at the moment, and his desire has gradually taken shape. If he doesn’t control it, he will probably become a desire and demons, but I’m afraid he will no longer be a demon but a real sexy devil.
That’s why Chineydy is worried. He is worried that Ye Han will eventually stop the spread of desire and eventually become a real sexy devil. If so, the world will be robbed, and the ambition of ambitious people will surely spread to the whole world …
By then, ruling the whole world may become his ultimate goal, right?
Moreover, what worries him more is that there will be a moon, moon and yuan demon in this world from now on to think about everything in those years, and he finally managed to hold his breath and secretly weighed whether to avoid all this.
"Hoo … finally swallowed this guy!"
Just then holding the jade flute Ye Han suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself.
"Yi slight cold what are you doing? No, aren’t you under my control? How did you get here? Hey … Hey … Don’t touch … Don’t pull my clothes … "
Ye Hangang drew his body and mind from the hard work of devouring demons, but before he came to put away the jade flute, he felt a really soft feeling behind him, especially the two extra soft feelings on his back, which almost suffocated him.
Looking back, he realized that I didn’t know when this slight cold had come behind him. A pair of jade arms had wrapped around her body, and her jade hand around the front had untied her belt. At the moment, she was tearing her clothes, or because she was wearing them too tightly, or perhaps because her back was entangled in the roots of her clothes, she couldn’t pull them.
But this slight cold is still trying to tear it directly because of too much force …
Looking at his clothes torn by slight cold abruptly, Ye Han was immediately surprised and remembered the magic things in slight cold, but didn’t he stop himself before thinking about it? How can you move now?
Thinking about Ye Han, he took a conscious look around. It turned out that he had returned to the cave at the bottom of the misty cloud, and everything around him was restored.
Think about it. Before I felt the demons move, I forced myself into the nightmare he had set, but all that was actually a dream, not a real Ye Han. This just reflected that I was back to reality.
But thinking of this, he can’t help but wonder if everything he experienced was a dream and not true.
Think about how hard you have swallowed up your desires. If this is a dream, isn’t it all in vain? But think about it. If that’s the case, the desire for magic things in the slight cold body must be false, and his heart is somewhat relieved
All this is caused by slight cold, but for slight cold, it wouldn’t have happened. If you can protect yourself from slight cold, it’s nothing even if you work hard to devour your demons.
But now everything in front of him seems to directly tell him that everything in the nightmare world is not false. Regardless of the fact that the jade flute in his hand has not been recovered, it is enough to prove that what happened just now is true.
Thinking about Ye Han’s busy putting away Yan Han’s jade flute, I tried to look at my physical condition and see if I really improved myself to a higher level, but I didn’t expect him to feel that his right hand had been grabbed by a pair of tender jade arms and put it in an unknown direction before he started work.
Ye Han was confused, but he didn’t dodge. He soon found that his hand actually fell to a very soft place, but he pinched it and overheard a female charming song.
"Boom …"
At this moment, Ye Han felt that his head had a good time to react. He was busy pumping his hand from the soft place and set his eyes and looked in front of him.
This look at Ye Han immediately wry smile struck the slight cold I don’t know when it turned to his front and what he had just pinched was his full chest, white and slight cold desire. He took the initiative to hold his hand and let her attack Ye Han again. Is this girl’s desire so strong that it has come to this?
Think about yourself just coming out of the nightmare, and you will be entangled in Ye Han by this girl again. Now, the slight cold desire has grown slowly. If you don’t find a way to stop it quickly, it will definitely make her a dead soul.
He is already deeply guilty about slight cold. If she wants to watch this poor girl die here again, how can he live in peace?
Therefore, he felt that he must desperately find a solution to get Xiao Han out of the control of desire as soon as possible, so as to get her out of pain.
But this kind of thing is so troublesome that he will find a way for a while, so he can’t do anything, and now the slight cold is already eager to get angry, and there is not so much time to wait!
"Do I really want to take advantage of people’s danger to help Xiao Han temporarily ease his body desire?"
It suddenly occurred to me that the demon once said that having a man’s yang can alleviate the pain of slight cold. Ye Han couldn’t help but think of himself again. Now how can there be other men around here besides himself?
Besides, even if there is a man, Ye Han won’t be willing to give the slight cold to others. This girl has feelings for herself, but she can’t let him fall into other people’s hands. If she recovers in the future, she will know that she has been occupied by a lover she doesn’t love, and all this is still done by her lover. What should she think about it?
But on the other hand, even if you don’t, you can’t do things that take advantage of others’ danger. What’s the difference between taking possession of her body while Xiao Han desires the devil’s seed and being an animal?
He couldn’t think of a way to think about it, but he turned his attention to his arm and slowly fell to his hand. He raised his hand slightly and looked at it for a while.
Finally, Ye Han seems to have made a decision. Suddenly, a finger cocked up with a sigh, and then he looked at his eyes. He looked at his face and blushed. He saw that she seemed to be in desperate need of something, and his eyes were full of desire.
Ye Han hesitated for a moment, then Nai shook his head and held out his hand to point to the slight cold and slowly reached over [83] [Xingyuan].
Finger to slight cold Ye Han suddenly dint fingertips a light blue energy flying out and hit slight cold right shoulder immediately and quickly. She ordered a finger on her left shoulder, and then took it back and turned her arm to take slight cold into her arms!