
"Ha ha … let’s fix a day" Hong Zhenjie laughed.

"What day is auspicious behind grandpa?" Tengqingshan asked
Teng Yunlong is calm. "March 16th is a good day."
"Isn’t that a few days?" Hong Zhenjie even shook his head. "Isn’t the ninth day of March the day after tomorrow a good day? Just the day after tomorrow, when the time comes, I will personally come to meet the bride. "
"Line is the day after tomorrow" TengQingShan nodded.
"Happy" HongZhenJie ha ha laugh "TengQingShan my big jiu … Then I’ll personally bring someone to meet you the day after tomorrow, you must go to my place for a wedding banquet"
"Don’t help me. How dare I not go if you invite me personally?" Tengqingshan should way
"Good" Hong Zhenjie got up and turned directly without saying hello to others. "Brothers, let’s go!"
Watching Hong Zhenjie and other people leave the room, some people make a fuss.
"Castle Peak, what do you think about how to get your sister to marry that young husband?" Yuan Lan eager way
Teng Yunlong also wondered, "Qingshan, are you really going to let your sister marry?" Tengyongfan also looked at Tengqingshan.
"Brother!" Next to Qingyu, I watched Tengqingshan Tengqingshan hold my sister’s hand and comforted that "Xiaoyu has nothing to believe."
"Isn’t this marriage waiting until the day after tomorrow?" Teng Qingshan said
"It will arrive soon the day after tomorrow," Yuan Lan said eagerly.
"But that HongZhenJie didn’t have the day after tomorrow" TengQingShan turned to look outside "listen to horseshoe this white horse camp a group of people should leave my TengJiaZhuang"
There are not many outsiders in the main room, such as Teng Yongfan and his wife, Teng Qingyu and Teng Yunlong. Others are blocked from coming in.
"Castle Peak, what are you doing?" Teng Yongfan, they all noticed that something was wrong.
"I went out for a trip" Tengqingshan smiled and didn’t take the reincarnation gun to cast the Tianya line. The whole person suddenly turned into a phantom and disappeared into the courtyard, and then there was a flash of people on the roof in the distance. Teng Yunlong’s sight range has disappeared.
Chapter 54 Collapse
The main Teng Yunlong and others were shocked.
Flash to the distance, and then the roof flashes and disappears. Is this the Teng Qingshan they know?
"Castle peak he …" TengYongFan stammered.
"This is the most powerful flying skill." Teng Yunlong reacted and even said with surprise, "When I was young, I saw grandpa four in Nahong display flying skill, and grandpa four in Nahong couldn’t catch up with the green hills! Too fast, faster than a horse galloping. Qingshan has such a powerful lightness skill! "
"Brother, he’s amazing!" Qingyu is very excited
"Adoptive father Qingshan won’t go out now …" Mother Yuan Lan worried.
TengYunLong also frown way "didn’t hear castle peak said? Then Hong Zhenjie doesn’t have the day after tomorrow! Castle Peak is going out to kill the young master Hong Zhenjie and kill the Baimaying people. "
"Master will be all right?" Teng Yongfan is also worried. After all, Baima Camp is so famous that it is the most elite of Baima Gang. Every soldier in Baima Camp is wearing heavy armor and riding a horse. It is hard to be lucky that even the top player will charge up the day after tomorrow.
"I have never been able to see through Castle Peak. At the age of ten, he can kill wolves and kill the Wolf King. One person can create Tiger Boxing, and without teaching, he can reach the level of lifting 10,000 kilograms of first-class fighters. Now he shows such amazing flying skills." Teng Yunlong looks at the distant sky. "Since Castle Peak is going to kill the little master and kill the white horse camp, I believe he can do it."
A few people in the main room are quiet.
Tengqingshan really can’t live without Tengqingshan over the years.
They look out at the sky and silently look forward to it. At this moment, the only thing they can do is look forward to it.
It used to be sunny, but as the dark clouds covered the sky, a gust of wind roared, and this day really changed.
Exercising Tengqingshan soon saw Baimaying’s shadow immediately stop exerting the speed possessed by a powerful body, tracking Tengqingshan’s monster-like body, which is much faster than a fine horse and can be easily tracked.
It’s the top lightness skill cheats in Teng Qingshan’s past life history.
This is mainly divided into three levels, which can reach the peak and achieve the effect of’ near the horizon’. However, Teng Qingshan can display the first level until now, because both the second and third levels need to reach the innate realm before they can display it.
After all, the level of "being near the horizon" is very demanding.
There are three footwork diagrams and six meridian diagrams.
On the first floor, you should practice the most basic first pace map.
Of course, Tengqingshan is of the earth to the amazing realm, and the speed given by the body alone is extremely fast, and the speed of cooperating with the Lightness Skill cheats is even more amazing.
"rumble ~ ~ ~"
Dark clouds cover the sky and thunder rings.
Teng Qingshan, like a cloud of smoke, kept the same speed as a galloping horse. A group of people followed Baimaying in the distance and saw the dangers looming in the distant eyes. "Hong Zhenjie didn’t expect to kill you yesterday and let you escape! But you still send it to the door and want a light rain? Hell’s Gate. You broke in and killed yourself. No wonder people! "
"The blood of this group of Baimaying people was killed together today!" Tengqingshan speed suddenly accelerated and directly jumped into Dayan Mountain next to it.
Tengqingshan in Dayan Mountain is like a ghost in the mountain, and its speed suddenly soars.
Baimaying a group of horse thieves galloped along the road near Dayan Mountain, while Tengqingshan ran in parallel with these horse thieves in Dayan Mountain.
"It’s almost five or six miles away from Tengjiazhuang. If we let them mix with the thousands of horses of Baima Gang, it’s time to start work!" Teng Qingshan knows very well that he can destroy this white horse camp, but if you mix five or six thousand horses in the white horse gang, it will take you nearly two hours to kill a person for one second.
What’s more, people won’t kill you.
And it takes two hours for a group of people to escape? Facing the sea of people, no matter how fierce the master is, he can capture and kill the leader.